Thursday, October 31, 2002

"What is up dog?"
-T in her mom voice

I was paralyzed by the cuteness of the children's center children today. They were walking through campus in their Halloween costumes... it was all I could do to not grab one of the kids and take them home with me. That is considered kidnapping, isn't it? If in some freaky way it isn't please let me know, thanks.

I'm getting my license renewed tomorrow. Those of you that know me fairly well might find that odd since I just got a license...then again, you shouldn't find it odd, I'm going to be twenty one in two weeks and you should know that. I'd think my friends would know me better, geez. Don't worry everyone, I'm going to wear something timeless for my picture... that way it two years I won't think, "golly, what sort of fashion regect wears that?!"

Trick or treat
I'm a mutt
Turn around
I'll smell your butt

yep, you guessed it... it's me!

guess who's at puter class and is confused again......

Look for the Asian chemist pic at Then look at the girl closest to you in the pic. I think it's Missy... weird huh? Missy's on a web page!

Don't try to type after painting your nails (or pick your nose). It's rather hard to type and not mess up the paint job.
That reminds me of a story... Long ago, in a land far far away, there was a girl and she went to Perkins with a boy. While they were there the girl noticed her freshly painted nails were chipped, "poop," she said, "I just had these bastards done!" The boy said, "I can take care of that for you." The girl asked, "how's that going to work?" The boy responded, "well, first we'd tape off the finger nail. Then we'd do some test colors to find an exact match to the nail polish. After that we'd air brush a fresh coat on the nail and but a tiny bit of top coat on the finger nail. Last we'd take off the tape. Good as new." The girl was quite intrigued by the concept of taping finger nails off to paint them. Then she found five dollars.... no, not really... but Erin Foley loves it when stories end like that.
I love that story.

Wednesday, October 30, 2002

Chatted tonight. I guess until there's further notice we're still separated.

Worsh Machine= fixed today.

the only thought in my brain right now is: I HAVE GOT TO PEE. Amy is in the bathroom... I'll have to hold it. I hope my bladder doesn't explode. There's no exploding you know.

Tuesday, October 29, 2002

Nothing very interesting happened today. I think the low point was when my health teacher decided to talk about the dentist. Through plugged ears I think I heard "crowns," wanted to cry. I would have known if people were giving me funny looks if my eyes had been open but they weren't, I was scared. The high point: I love those email surveys... holy balls Liz's and Tank's were so funny. Ok, yep, that's all.

Monday, October 28, 2002

Mulletavia MN. Cripes I'm funny.

I must say I make a mean meat loaf.

Washer Up Date 10/28/02 8:34 PM Central
1) Contents: water, soap, clothes, towels, underoos,socks, potty seat cover and a pillow case.
2) Running Capabilities: nada, just makes an angry pissed off noise.
3) Scheduled Repair: sometime close to never.
4) Sara's Feelings about 1, 2 and 3: A wee bit angry. Don't ask for verbal comments... profane words will come flying from her mouth and will be directed at whom ever dares to ask about the wash machine.
Maybe think of Uncle Buck... perhaps I should do some dirty talking with the washer... that or keep swearing at it.

Spectacular, Spectacular is the greatest song from Moulin Rogue.

Sunday, October 27, 2002

The land lords finally came over to fix the broken wash machine... only took them two days. Golly they're quick! The water drained, we cheered, they left, I started another load. What happens? Oh, yep, it breaks again. Gooooooood, washer is full of water, soap and my clothes. I'm a happy camper. Heeeeeeeeeee, no.
ps. The Missouri in me really wants say "worsh" instead of wash.

Saturday, October 26, 2002

I didn't utilize my alone time this evening, there was no nakedness... sorry to disappoint you.

"when the snows come rollin through, you're rollin too with some new lover"
Shoot the Moon, Norah Jones

Friday, October 25, 2002

I have the house all to myself until nine tonight... I don't know what I'm gonna do. Perhaps I'll have some naked time.

Andrew finally made it to Winona. I'm so happy he came. We had a lovely lunch with his friend Shannon. Good times, noodle salad. Now that he saw how much fun it is maybe he'll come back. That'd be neat.

Thursday, October 24, 2002

your hands are in my hair but my heart is in your teeth
Again, good song, it's by my friend Jewel. Don't know what it's actually called... I refer to is as the Please Don't song.
Execllent talk this evening. Things are just as unclear as they've always been but a very bright light was shining on them this evening. I think it might have been a little hint. It may have been the closure I've needed all this time. A lot of questions were answered. A couple options are out there... which ever happens is going to be ok. Two options: I've been trying to convince myself that Opt 1 has happened, done and done, no questions, over. Surprisingly this is not the case. Opt 2 should make me nervous but I'm content and secure that it would work out nicely. If only I had known the Opt 2 was an option the whole time! I know now, that's what is important. Overall good feeling about things. I'm not sure I have to think about it before bed.... that'll be nice.......
ps. Wild is OPEN for the season... I think I announced it to the entire library at WSU when I found out. Golly I'm excited... I can smell the snow from here. :)

Wednesday, October 23, 2002

I can see Hot Tony from where I'm sitting in the library... very nice eye candy.
And I really should stop boy watching and do some hw.

My blog is being quoted in a paper... it's my group paper on blogging but hey, I'm going to be quoted! Neat-o.

Tuesday, October 22, 2002

the man who laughs last thinks the slowest

Monday, October 21, 2002

Two questions:
1) If a tree falls in the forest does it make a noise?
2) If Hellen Keller falls in the forest does she make a noise?

I'm sorry I didn't have a match that was big enough for your heart to catch.

Sorry, that song is on ITunes right now, it's so good, great words. Anywho, nevermind, another side bar... Amy is making her little hacking up a loogie noise... now she's blowing spit bubbles. Ok, now, anywho... I don't really have a purpose for blogging this evening aside from the fact that I received a verbal comment from one of my readers. She said I was slacking, my posts aren't up to par for her. Well, I'm trying to make up for it by writing nothing but crap.... here goes: I have a health test tomorrow. It's a midterm, it isn't scantron, that means I actually had to learn stuff. Not to worry though, I went back to my HS style of reviewing for tests... I think it's going to help out a whole bunch. (Amy is now singing in an annoying fashion to my ITunes, shushie Amy, dude, she just keeps going). I haven't really decided how to respond to some info I was made privy to yesterday. Disappointed? Of course. Let down, eh no'm but that's because it isn't surprising to hear any of it... I almost expected it. Yeah... just move on, nothing to see here folks. Maybe to go along with my writing nothing but crap I should have told big fat dirty lies...... next time my sweets.

Sunday, October 20, 2002

A personal note to Andrew, my fav big little brother-
I know you might be through Winona on Friday... if you don't stop at the house I'm going to hurt you. That's a threat and a promise.
love and kisses- sara

I walked out of the library to see snow falling from the sky. I proceeded to wet myself.

I think I did a better job playing music at the football game today. I hope the football players thought so... I don't want them to gang up on me and kick my ass.

Yesterday LB (Library Manstrocity) was running toward me. I wanted to open my arms to him and confess my love and that I've been qawking at him for three years............ but I didn't.

I heard through the grape vine that I'm "too damn happy." I wouldn't consider it a bad quality but it seems as if some people do. Eh... I like being my annoyingly happy self. I have more fun that way. My response to people that think I'm "too damn happy"= that tongue sticking out with the noise that Stewart from Mad TV does. I'll demo next time I see you if you don't know what I mean.

Thursday, October 17, 2002

ew ew ew. Amy and I just tried to fix the clogged bathroom sink. Took the U-bend off... smelled like someone pooped in it. Baaaaaah, gross. Wasn't clogged though. Where the darn thing blocked?! Stupid stupid plumbing!

Wednesday, October 16, 2002

Finished. That wasn't so bad. It's not two pages long, that's for sure... but I did have a lot of fun changing the fonts to make the darn thing look longer than it really is. Muah hahahaha!! Excellent. *evil scientist smile*

I'm, ah, supposed to write two pages of a group paper on how to blog... riiiiiiiiiiight. How do I turn sign up, enter personal info, choose backround, write your first post and publish it into two pages? Doesn't look like two pages to me, how 'bout you? Nope... yeah, ok, that's what I thought.

Tuesday, October 15, 2002

hehehehehehehehe.... Mr Earp emailed me back! Isn't that funny? Mr Earp and email! Whooie. Glad he did email me... I needed his phone number for my dumb ed department admitance crap that doesn't count but if I don't include it in my admissions folder the ed department bastards won't consider me. Oh kids, it's crooked world in which we live.

Monday, October 14, 2002

Two other points of interest:
1) I will be twenty one in exactly a month. Scary scary.
2) Snow is predicted for Thursday October seventeenth. Whoa nelly, I'm excited!

I remember my dream from last night. I HATE when I remember my dreams. Drives me nuts. Here it it: I'm at home home and this truck, let's call it big red Ford... because it is red, big and a Ford pulls up to the house. The Mom goes out to talk to the driver, she comes inside, says, "that was Tom. He's leaving now but is coming back later, he really wants to talk to you." Ok, wow but ok. Later in the dream Tom comes back. Talking away... "oh that wasn't really me before (note: "before" meaning last year and all the stuff that went on... if you don't know and want to just ask, it's a long story), didn't mean any of it. I don't care." He went away then. Standing there, shocked. Another car pulls up. This other guy gets out of the car and is all "Hey, I'm Tom." "No you're not," I say. "Oh but I am... I care, I want to be with you, blah blah blah..... I'm really Tom." "Ah, no you're not." There was more talking, more of me not being convinced and then the dream was over.
Can you see why I hate dreaming?

when the working day is done oh girls they just wanna have fun

T and I couldn't have timed our arrival at the weight room any better. Library Manstrocity was there... sigh. I decided that I was a little warm from the walk, I conveniently took off my tshirt so I was just wearing a mid-drift revealing tank top. I can't possibly get close enough to him to do the arm touch, I guess my only resort to get his attention is to remove clothing in public. He's hot...........

Sunday, October 13, 2002

This weekend goes down in history as: The Weekend w/o Sleep. Sleep sleep sleepy.... I need the sleepy.

Friday, October 11, 2002

I helped 4th graders with their borrowing skills today... it was great!! I keep hearing that it's going to snow soon... I'm so excited I could just pee. Eeee! Woo hoo!!!

Thursday, October 10, 2002

My Tankypoo wants to be on my web page... hum........... what to say about Tank? He's one of my bestest friends, he loves his Doc and he's so silly. Note: those of you that are forming a mental picture of this great big tank of a guy please get rid of said mental pic... Tank isn't what you would refer to as a "tank." He's a trim sort of fellow. Oh!!! How could I forget?! Tank has the most lovely lashes... they're about three feet long. But watch out ladies... he's a charmer. Says sweet things like "I'll drag you by your mammaries." Song that makes me think of Tank: Girls, Girls, Girls song by JayZ. My latest fav Tank moment: the tickle pile last Saturday with Liz, T, Tank and I. That was fun, a great ab work out really. Love you Tank.

Wednesday, October 09, 2002

feeling the need for a post.... don't know what to post though..... sigh

The DEVIL!!!!!!!!!

The DEVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Geometer's Sketch Pad is the devil.

Dude, I'm at math class and I'm so sleeping. Oh, and I hate Geometer's Stech Pad.

Tuesday, October 08, 2002

Am I the only person in MN that doesn't care about the Twins? Or maybe I just haven't found a good spot to at which to jump on the band wagon.......

So today in yoga T and my teacher says, "we're going to do alternate nasal passage breathing." Has something to do with Ying Yang junk. Anywho, to do this one must plug the more open side of your nose with either your thumb or pointer and breath through the otherside, then switch back and forth. I decided to not participate today due to the fact that I have a bit of a cold and blocking the breathing side of my nose would cause me to farmer blow sinus infection like boogies into my hand... little embarrassing and gross for class. No thanks.

Monday, October 07, 2002

It's snowing in the Grove.

I know I haven't heard the whole story yet but.... the part I have heard pisses me off. Why can't be people be honest... especially with the people they claim to care the most about? It makes things a hell of a lot easier in the end... no covering your tracks and worrying about what one person may find out from another... no back stabbing... ha! funny how that works, neat! Maybe I take my honesty too seriously and just assume everyone else is doing my the same favor and courtesy. I really don't think it's too much to ask of my loved ones. Bah. Not impressed.

Sunday, October 06, 2002

my puffy little shoe woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woos that's my bro's page. Thought you might want to check it out.

What's the deal with late night drunken phone calls? Note: when I say late night I mean 5:30 am... a time when everyone I know should be peacefully sleeping in their beds... not drunk beyond their wildest dreams, making phone calls. They aren't necessary, really.

Saturday, October 05, 2002

My litttle brother tried to give out our home phone number on his web page... how scary is that? Crazies that stumble across his web page might call the house.... creepy and ew. The ironic part of this story is that he put the a zero at the end of the number... he gave the world Pizza Hut in Lakeville's phone number. Yep, shwew is all I have to say.

Friday, October 04, 2002

mah, I'm scared... had to make sure all the doors and windows were locked when I got home. I'm still quite a bit jumpy... be careful around me, you could lose an eye. Red Dragon was excellent. The opening, was so cool, I got all giddy excited about it. Neat neat neat!!! Anthony Hopkins brought the Silence Hannibal back to life... so creepy, he'll be haunting the dreams tonight. The end... very good. Never would have seen it coming.... well, maybe if I'd read the book. Edward Norton is so darn cute, he was great too. The hair comment at the end, so silly. Grab a can of fava beans and go see it. Oh, I didn't cry, pee my pants or most importantly scream... it's better than jumpy scary... it's get in your brain scary.

I'm going to see Red Dragon this afternoon... I hope I don't cry or wet myself, that would be embarrassing.

poop poop poop!!!!

Thursday, October 03, 2002

what am I doing?!

I'm in puter class... I have no idea what these people are talking about.

Wednesday, October 02, 2002

I can't say I enjoyed the Creek this evening... wasn't the greatest Creek I've ever seen. On the other hand, the cutest purse I have ever seen was on the show... did you see it? Jen was carrying it when she went was talking to that hot hot hottie... her purse was shaped like a dog!! Super duper cute. I want one... must find out where it's from.

Library Manstrocity was lifting today. Don't worry everyone, I only made eye contact once or twice and didn't manage to trip into him or anything. He's so hot... I'm sure he knows I think so based on the fact that I usually stare at him. Sigh. ps to lifting.... crickey my abs hurt.

Tuesday, October 01, 2002


that one is for you T

She isn't please about what I said.... I'll try to do better... T and I love her little laugh. Is that better Swoobs?

Amy wants to be on my web page. There... happy Amy?

woo woo.... Pleased To Meet You, Rolling Stones. It's stuck in my head. Won't go away.