Wednesday, July 30, 2003

I got to off road it in the Connie yesterday in the Freeborn County Fair parking lot... that was just the beginning of my adventure. Missy and I spent the afternoon wandering the animal and commercial barns and chatting with NRHEGers. After meeting more people from the NRHEG area I'm beginning to feel as if I'm one of them, maybe they'll adopt me and give me a key to the city... there'll be a big ceremony with a ribbon cutting and the mayor and a cake........ Anywho, I got to meet Missy's grandad, he showed us how milk was skimmed back in the day. Very interesting and educational. I had a go at the milk skimmer and discovered how weak my arms are.... KEY-ripes that crank was hard to turn... I'm not sure but I might be sore today. And speaking of crank, after the skimming demo, I got to turn some cream into butter... very fun. I got to meet two baby goats, Destiny and Devine. They were like puppies, their little tails wagged and they ran up so see me. I even got to hold them for a picture... they were wiggly little buggers (I imagine Karen reading this and her being very excited for me and my adventure with the baby goats. Are you jealous I got to play with the baby goats Karen? Muahahahahaha!). OH! I almost forgot! One of the babies would run up the side of her pen and try to steal hay from her neighbor's! She's very very sneaky, it's like she was in the Matrix or something! Later in the evening I went to my very first demolition derby. It was cool and loud. I'll have to attend another derby sometime soon or maybe I'll enter one. Does anyone have a car they'd like to donate to the Sara Wants to Be a Demolition Derby Driver Fund? Shout a holla, let me know. And lastly, I had a corndog. It was excellent... the epitome of fair corndogs, YUM. WOO HOO for the fair!

Monday, July 28, 2003

DOUGLAS IS A GIRL! He's sprouting a a flower. Then again, maybe he's not a girl, he could just be a transvestite. I guess he'll have to be Ms Douglas from now on.

Sunday, July 27, 2003

Dude, we went to the Dells. Ed Girls Day in the Dells was a grand old time. The weather didn't cooperate so we couldn't go to Noah's Ark but we did go to the Big Chief park to ride roller coasters and drive go-carts. I tore it up on the go-cart tracks. I lapped four people on the last track... it was super fun. I think I still have shaken baby diesease from all the jostling around that happened on the coasters and go-cart tracks but it was well worth it. Perhaps next year the weather will be good for us... we'll just have to wait and see.

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

Ask to hear the candy corn story next time you see me. It's a hum-dinger of a tale.

Monday, July 21, 2003

I saw Jimmy tromping down Mankato Street with a friend yesterday. It was good to see one of my second graders... I miss those kids.

Saturday, July 19, 2003

Walmart is the weirdest place in the world. Missy and I popped down to the LAX WallyMart for some dish rag yarn this evening. Note that Missy looked cute, I on the other hand was wearing my jammies, glasses and an oddly placed floofy pony tail... AKA hotter than hot, ahnonotsomuch. Back to the story.... doi doi dooo do da, Missy and I walking into Walmart... laa laa la loooo... car with creepy dude in it whistles at us. Furrowed brows upon Missy and myself, right, ok, odd, moving on. And now we've got some yarn and we're looking for a book for Missy and holy balls! We just go smooch noised at by four shady looking fellows! BI EEE! WHAT IS GOING ON?! WALMART IS SO WEIRD! And now I'm just that much more afraid of WallyMarts.

Thursday, July 10, 2003

From here on out I am never going to believe anything a guy tells me. Why? Because they turn around and do the exact opposite of what they say. Boys are liars. Jerks.

Monday, July 07, 2003

So I'm reading along in my Reading and Language Arts book and it asks, "What do you do when you read?" At the time, my finger was in my nose cleaning out the dance hall. I had to laugh and respond to the question with "pick my nose." LOL.

Sunday, July 06, 2003

I got my bike box. It's so much fun. Tracy and I are going to do the following with it: play homeless, sleep in it, read in it, cut a door in one side of it, create a secret fort and generally just be stupid when sitting in it. A bike box for those of you that aren't familiar with them is a large card board box that is big enough to fit over the top of a motorcycle that is sitting on a pallet. The box is about arm pit height, maybe ten feet long and about three or four feet wide. It's WAY better than any refrigerator box ever was. I love the box... if only I knew where I'm going to store it.............

Wednesday, July 02, 2003

It's hot in herrrre, so I took off all my clothes.